Notepad apps have been around ever since the android market was started and there is no shortage of them. There are quite a few good notepad applications but I will be discussing a free one that I have a considerable amount of time using. It is called Color Note Notepad by Notes. It is a free app w Read More
A short description of how to network on Facebook effectively and without being to pushy with your product. Facebook is all about the relationships that you can have and share with others so using facebook effectively in that manner can definitely pay off. Read More
ODP/DMOZ doesn't rank well on search engine result pages (SERPs.) Here are some proofs that make us think: Is getting listed on ODP/DMOZ worth pursuing? Read More
A business can only be successful if it has a competent entrepreneur, feasible business concept and access to good amount of capital. Read More
Making sure that you sign-up with the right online project management is important. Here are some tips on where to look for reviews on the cloud solutions. Read More
Any company that is considering starting a vlog, or upgrading their current blog to include video, should consider these few tips before officially making the move. Read More
What’s the right way to contact clients, colleagues and friends, and for them to contact you? Is offering a multitude of options really the best way forward and will certain tools begin to become acceptable for certain types of communication? Read More
The success of online store software in the establishment of a loyal and consistent customer base is dependent upon several factors. A survey conducted by Jupiter Research in April 2006 of 1058 online shoppers reveal some feedback regarding the difficulties they face online, including the poor perf Read More
Link building has the caliber to effectively promote your online business and increase profits by double-fold. Read More
Tablets now are improved with the new Android Honeycomb, they also get upgraded processor and display. Take a look at some great tablets on the market. Read More

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