So some would categorize information related to the importance of adding code to your website that tells user agents (web browsers and search engine spiders) if a page has been modified or not in the web design department and other into SEO services Read More
If you own a professional services practice such as a managed IT business, etc. then you know how important your marketing message can be in getting new clients. Here I offer 3 ways to improve that marketing message as food for thought Read More
Performing routine computer backups is not real high on the list of priorities for most small business owners, but if you use computers enough, you're eventually going to have a crash that results in Read More
In response to a blog I wrote on disaster recovery (DR) planning recently, Una Coleman, a bloggertone colleague asked about practical steps a SME could take in relation to rolling out a DR solution. Read More
Don’t worry if you don’t understand what Cloud Computing is. You’re not meant to. By its nature a cloud of any type is something vague or ill-defined. Read More
If you need a super quiet, fast, reliable new desktop for your small business, read this review of the Lenovo A63 ThinkCentre desktop. Read More
Affiliate marketing is simple, if you stick to these basic rules. More at Read More
One-third of all data breaches occur in small businesses: the following piece provides excellent tips for protecting your small business. Read More
Craigslist can be considered as one of the best online communities in terms of market coverage and global response from ads posted.
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Need to explain What is Twitter to a client, colleague or friend? tweeternet is a quick, one page introduction to Twitter. Read More

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