A list of 35 tools to make your life as a freelancer easier. Plus a bonus list of 5 blogs for freelancing tips and info. Read More
Always the knowledge of news has empowered people. Overtime people have spend large amounts of money for getting the information first. From towers to newspapers, to telex, to telephone,... With each technology step, the And now the news is immediate almost real-time thanks to Twitter. The power of the news has shifted again. Read More
The mix of opportunity to move products on multiple platforms and changes to Google search makes 2009 prime for expansion. This is a call to action and you and I are primed to make great strides. CSE (comparative search engine) usage is up more than double over 2005. Ecommerce has some bright new champions in Amazon.com and Buy.com with 3rd party Read More
It used to be that only big companies needed to worry about their brand. Small- and medium-sized businesses were off the hook and free to humbly market their companies offline to folks within a certain storefront radius. But then the Internet happened. And social media. And it changed everything. Read More
A new bill would require some employers. Find out if you're eligible, and whether the bill will pass or not. Also a discussion of whether the bill's a good thing or not. Read More
In the days of old: circa 2007, social-media marketing meant monitoring the blogosphere and managing forums, but today marketers are jumping in by actively creating and managing brand communities. Read More
To compete today and thrive tomorrow, midsized businesses will need more dynamic infrastructures. The reasons are everywhere. Businesses, people and governments around the globe are becoming increasingly interconnected. Computing is now embedded into everything from RFID tags to automobiles. All of these connections result in the creation and excha Read More
Since netbooks are designed to be light on processing power and hard disk space, they are not ideal devices for running full scale applications. However, by accessing these applications, which are on your desktop (office) computer, through a remote access program, you might get more out of your netbook than you think. Read More
You've probably read plenty of web design advice or noticed some tips around the web, especially if you have any interest at all in customizing your own theme and creating your own graphics. Read More
During times like these I start watching the NFIB's Small Business Optimism lndex like a hawk. Why? Because it is such a good indicator of how small businesses feel towards the economy. And change is in the wind in the economy, so we're all looking for signs. And this month the Small Business Optimism Index shot up by almost 6 points, to its hi Read More

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