We focus mainly on the construction and property sectors, but not exclusively! We love Social Media marketing, but we've been working in traditional marketing for many years. Read More
All of us don't want to see our websites have the same design like others. Headway Themes, the Drag and Drop theme for Wordpress is the solution for us. Read More
By 2014 there will be more smartphones connecting to the internet than desktop computers, so what will this move away from the desktop environment mean for your business? Read More
I read a lot of blogs’ About pages. In fact, it’s one of the first things I do when I come to a new blog. Up until recently, I thought this blog had one of the better About pages out there. I have a cool little infographic thing and some sweet pictures that help explain who I am. I thought it was t Read More
A fundamental of marketing that is often overlooked even by those with experience is being too subjective and inflexible with your products or services. Being adaptable and making even small changes in what you offer or how you offer it can make a big difference. Here are a couple of examples: Read More
Why is Google still taking notice of DMOZ? Many have alleged that the editors are corrupt. Here is an explanation from Matt Cutts, THE Google Engineer. Read More
After cyberattacks crippled the country’s top blogging service, Livejournal.ru, President Dmitri A. Medvedev, who has his own Livejournal blog, ordered the police to investigate. Read More
Learn how to blog so that you gain rankings in the search engines then more people will hear your message.
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We've all been there-meetings that are running in circles. We are left wondering why we ever agreed to attend that meeting. But we don't really have a choice. Read More
Youth leadership development needs to integrate additional character traits for young leaders. The following traits may be developed among young people as they strive to become better individuals and as community leaders. Read More

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