There was a time, just a few short years ago really, when small businesses finally concluded they must use the web to supplement their marketing efforts and create another potential channel for marketing messages. Read More
Here’s something your customers won’t ever tell you but that you had better understand: Your employees probably treat your customers about the same way you treat your employees. Let that soak that in for a minute, and think about the ways your everyday behavior might be affecting your organization’ Read More
I’m pretty sure you’re sick of folks like me telling you that content is king and that you must produce reams of it in order to compete these days, so I won’t put you through any more of that kind of silly talk. Read More
Travis Campbell nails it in this post and makes it easy for small business owners to figure out YouTube. Read More
B2B social media is like sex in high school: Everyone claims they are doing it, but very few are.

B2B marketers are embracing social tools as a way to connect with customers and grow their businesses. Most attendees have some kind of social presence or say they imminently plan to. Most have atte Read More
From 2005 to 2010, online video grew at a phenomenal rate of 910%, versus 114% for the Internet and 0% for TV. Producing branded online video content at affordable prices just makes sense. Read More
It may seem odd to ask, “What is an online business?” in this day and age, but the question popped into my head and won't let go.

So, to get the question out of my head and into yours (hehe – I love to share!), I’m going to take a stab at answering it and explore why this is such a key question. Read More
Just because I’m frustrated with work one day, it doesn’t mean that I should just up and quit. And you probably shouldn’t either — especially if you want to maintain your benefits for as long as possible and avoid going completely broke. Read More
Never before has a customer visited a website or walked into our store without knowing exactly what they want. Part of the reason is because information about anything that you would want to know is so available online. Which at times causes the customer to be more educated about a product than the Read More
Interview with Danny Brown, Co-Founder of Bonsai Interactive Marketing, on how he's used social media to market and promote his business, his business model, and more. Read More

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