How tired are you? The perceived need for multitasking during so much of the day often has you pumping adrenaline as you try to get it all done. Then the reaction after you get past the adrenaline rush is commonly exhaustion. When you do not use effective time management techniques, you may be extremely busy throughout the day without accomplis Read More
Since you communicate so much to your child by example, why not demonstrate the use of good organizing tools in helping your child get ready for a new school year? Read More
You see it everywhere, that constant checking of email. In the office, email is often allowed to intrude at any time throughout the day and is given priority over the current task. Outside the office space, those PDAs, like the Blackberty and Treo, pop up at meetings, lunches, soccer games, and even the dinner table. The purported reason is to sta Read More
The Fair Labor Standards Act was passed 70 years ago with guaranteed vacation as part of the package. The premise behind their push is that the right to a break from work should not depend on how healthy you or your family are. Now this movement wants to have guaranteed sick time also. Read More
With all the predictions of a paperless society, shouldn't paper-bound books now be a thing of the past? Yet bookstore browsing and shopping is still going strong. What happened with the digital reading idea? Read More
Tips for keeping up with the pace of modern life Read More
The concept of outsourcing overseas certainly is not a new idea, but it normally refers to the business world where jobs are sent overseas. Businesses now outsource more than $20 billion. As we struggle to find that elusive work life balance amid all of the daily tasks we face, outsourcing is becoming an increasingly popular time management option Read More
What are your experiences as a dominant right- or left- brained person dealing with the opposite in a business situation? Read More
Techniques for Managing Stress in the Workplace and Home Businesses Read More
Nothing hurts office productivity like unplanned absences of colleagues and key staff members. When they are not present, you may be stalled on a project. Your may have to take on additional work to cover their tasks. Your time management efforts for that day are shot. Can you prevent this? Read More

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