Astutecopy commented on the following stories on BizSugar
How To Turn Visitors Into Customers Through Blogging
"Hi Warren, Interesting post. Love your three different blogging CTA/Banner style features - Inline CTA: Bottom CTA: Sidebar CTA: I am off to use three features on my blog as a way to turn visitors into customers through blogging. Thanks again for sharing! Best regards Pedro Okoro "7 Ultimate Ways to Craft Blogging Headlines
"Thanks for sharing! I find that I usually spend a lot more time on the headline than on the post itself. I like my headlines to grab my readers by the eyeballs and pull them into the message. I love #6 - Using Numbers. I recently wrote a blog post using this technique: "Unstoppable: Jon Morrow's Top 10 Tips for Boosting Blog Traffic, Guaranteed to Supercharge your Blog and Skyrocket your Reach" in which Blog Traffic genius Jon Morrow (who helped set up CopyBlogger and KISSmetrics) recommends you spend a quarter to half of the time you spend writing the post on the headline. For example, he spends an average of 2 hours writing his headlines! According to Jon, “If you look carefully at any great headline, you can distill it down to a fill-in-the blank “template” that works for almost every topic in any niche. The best writers I know have thousands of them either saved to a file on their computers or floating around in their heads, where they can reference them at a moment’s notice to develop a winning headline of their own...The more curious your headlines make people, the more they’ll read your posts. The more they read your posts, the better your chance of building a relationship with them. The more relationships you have, the more influential you become in your niche.” Thanks again for sharing. Off to share on Facebook! Best regards Pedro Okoro"5 Psychology-Based Copywriting Hacks for Your Next Email Marketing Campaign
"Hi Eric Thanks for an awesome blog post. Reminds of me of what the legendary Gary Bencivenga once said: “The vast majority of products are sold because of the need for love, the fear of shame, the pride of achievement, the drive for recognition, the yearning to feel important, the urge to look attractive, the lust for power, the longing for romance, the need to feel secure, the terror of facing the unknown, the lifelong hunger for self-esteem and so on. Emotions are the fire of human motivation, the combustible force that secretly drives most decisions to buy. When your marketing harnesses those forces correctly you will generate explosive increases in response.” Thanks for sharing. Best regards Pedro Okoro"« previous1 next »
7 Business Lessons You Can Learn From A 7-Year-Old
"Hi Marty, What an inspiring blog post! The story of 7-year Neva Lee Recla is such an amazing and inspirational one. To imagine that she has been handing out her business cards since the age of two, and has two websites already! Wow!! Like you, my greatest takeaway from the blog post is "Don’t be afraid to be yourself"! Thank you for sharing! Best regards, Pedro Okoro "