Lizkossakowski commented on the following stories on BizSugar
3 Ways To Ruin Your Reputation As A Blogger
"Great points. Don't forget: quote the entirety of another blogger's post and only add a sentence of commentary, or blog before verifying your sources. It's always funny, and embarrassing, when you see someone ranting and raving over a "news story" from the Onion."« previous1 next »
5 Reasons Why You Should Hire Straight out of College
"Very nice points. I'm very happy that my boss hired me right out of college, and hopefully he is too. Recent graduates also tend to be more willing and eager to please their employers. I think your best points are those with the examples and anecdotes. I think it would be interesting if you embedded, or linked to, a graph or some visual showing how recent grads stack up against their counterparts with more experience."