Nialldevitt commented on the following stories on BizSugar
How Many Visitors is Enough for My Website?
"The beauty of the internet is that there are very few limitations and if smaller businesses are smart and innovative, they can compete very successfully with big competition. This is definitely true when it comes to website traffic, which is one place I believe most small business should be very ambitious. "How To Spot Prospects That Are Actually Worth Your Time And Effort
"What you have described here is the difference between the average salesperson and a great sales person. Brilliant salespeople are brilliant prospectors - they spend the majority of their time dealing with prospects that are in a position to do business. "Subscribe
Top 5 Common Concerns in Project Management – from PM Expert Lindsay Scott
"For me, one of the reasons that success levels of projects are low is because it's human nature to over, rather than under estimate at the planning stage. The balance between ambition and experience is a difficult one to get right :) "