TxtMovies commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Best Practices For Getting Genuine Twitter Followers - infographic
"Getting quality followers is a marketer's dream. One strategy we've uses is to ask them to tweet something about your product. You can reward them with a Coffee or a Movie. Starbucks recently launched 'Tweet a Coffee' ($5 gift card - https://www.starbucks.com/tweet-a-coffee) and txtMovies launched 'Tweet a Movie' ($1.99 Redbox movie - http://www.txtmovies.com/Twitter-gifts) Tweeting coffee or movies will certainly show customers that you appreciate them."« previous1 next »
How do I generate word-of-mouth buzz for my business? Start-up Mentor
"Great advice: "You need to give existing customers something new to talk about. If you combine something new and worth talking about with an incentive to share (such as a voucher, free upgrades, etc.) you’ll get a significant increase in word-of-mouth." When you do something out of the ordinary people remember. Try Tweet A Coffee from Starbucks or Tweet a Movie from txtMovies. Encourage customers to talk about you on Twitter and there's a possibility their friends will retweet their comments. Tweet a Movie http://www.txtmovies.com/Twitter-gifts Tweet A Coffee https://www.starbucks.com/tweet-a-coffee"