Cent submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Although the importance of great user experience has been bandied around for years, and there has been plenty of talk about it, very few have really gone through the trouble of creating it. But, ever since Google and Facebook changed the way they analyze content and shifted their focus to prioritiz Read More
Twitter is big for markers, especially for digital marketers.

How big is Twitter?

Well, Twitter is the 4th largest social network behind Facebook, Google+ and Instagram in terms of user volume.

Twitter is also the 3rd largest social media traffic driver behind Read More
Here are 7 steps to starting a blog from choosing a topic, registering your domain to content creation and promotion to drive traffic. Read More
One of the best ways to build your online brand is to guest blog on authority web sites.

The benefits are numerous.

You may be after back links, new audience, authority, referral traffic, relationship with established bloggers or brands.
Whatever the motive maybe guest blogging has its perks Read More
This post is created with the sole purpose of educating new bloggers.
I wish I had known some of these blogging income lessons before I started my blogging journey.

I don’t regret anything, I only wish I had a rough idea of when to expect certain things.

How long will it take for you to earn Read More
It can be disheartening to run a website that few people visit.

It’s even worse if the few who visit don’t stick around to see all the great content you offer!

While your website speed and design can play a part in your bounce rate, it’s more likely that people are leaving because they don’ Read More
Admit it!
All bloggers and content marketers dream of creating viral content.
Content that spreads like wild fire in social media or any online marketing avenue for that matter is not a dream.
We know most big names do it!
We wish we knew what the secret ingredients are?
Wouldn’t it be nice to Read More
When someone first said use Medium for content marketing, I said “which medium?” I knew little about Medium a few months back. As faith would have it, I tried Medium.
Thanks to Tony Young @tkwyoung who manages “Business Daily” – a Medium Publication which has close to 10K followers. Tony spotted o Read More
This infographic shows how to improve social media engagement using hashtags for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Google+. Use hashtags wisely to get the best out of your social posts. Read More
If you are running out of blog post ideas here are 25 resources that can keep you going in an infographic. Find your next content idea or quick inspiration from these useful resources. Read More

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