TimoK submitted the following stories to BizSugar

This is a blog post series, where I reveal different ways to deal with cubicle distraction.

In this second part, Iā€™m going to talk about 5 other distraction types and how to handle them. Read More
Taking only a 20 minute nap can dramatically improve your productivity.

This is simple but effective way of recharging your batteries, improving your focus and get more stuff done.
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There are many people out there who hate their jobs. In fact, I used to be one of them, but after changing my thoughts a bit, I started to appreciate my work.

By using these tips, you can make your day job experience much smoother than before.
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Want to learn how to jump-start your afternoon?

After doing these 3 steps, you are going to notice a huge boost in your productivity.
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I have worked in an office job over 14 years. If there is anything that I have learned during these years is that if you let the distraction get you, you will procrastinate, be stressed over by deadlines or feel lousy about yourself.

Therefore it is extremely important to understand the differen Read More
This is the second (and the final) part of the podcast series, that focuses on 80/20 rule: how to apply it to your online business. Read More
There are plethora of ways to improve your productivity and you can learn these techniques by reading books, watching videos or listening to audio.

However, you are the one who decides if any given lesson is worth implementing or not. Also, you decide how to tweak those techniques to Read More
It is a very common problem that we tend to overstuff our daily task list.

However, when you remember to add this little tweak to your list, things become easier and you feel less overwhelmed. Read More
If you have been studying productivity for any period of time, you have learned that multitasking is not a way to go if you want to get things done.

However, in specific scenarios you can take it to your advantage and even improve your productivity. Read More
In this video I explain what eating the frog means and why it is a very important time management technique to master.

I'm using this technique myself - both when building my online business but also in my personal life too. Read More

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