TimoK submitted the following stories to BizSugar

When the content creation is concerned, are you ready to make these 6 strategic shifts in your blogging? Read More
Clever way of getting views to your Slide Share presentations. This is an older post but yet very current. Read More
(Step-by-Step) How to Get 5,000 Visitors to Your Next Blog Post... Sure, you can write posts on your blog, but if no one is reading them, then you are pretty much wasting your time. Read More
15 Ideas for Blog Posts (and other content as well): Have you taken advantage of your blog post archives for generating new content? If not, use this post as a starting point. Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Epic Content

Avatar Posted by TimoK under Online Marketing
From http://www.learnblogtips.com 4020 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on September 19, 2013 12:53 am
So how to write epic content that spreads naturally allover the blogosphere? Your content is the ONLY reason people read your blogs, buy your products, or hire you. Read More
Steven Fabian explains how you can get great feedback from your audience – even while it’s still growing – and for free! Read More
Online Business Productivity: September Link Roundup. This first roundup contains the noteworthy productivity links but from online businesses perspective. Read More
This is the 75th Day of Full-Time Blogging and here are the 6 time management lessons I have learned so far. Read More
An efficient home office in 10 simple steps away. By taking action on this advice, you can turn your home office into more productive place. Read More
So, you have written your guest post and you then decide to submit it to a big blog. But instead of publishing it, the author of the blog decided to reject it.

To prevent that happening in the future, implement these 3 steps in your guest post blogging. Read More

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