TrevorTical submitted the following stories to BizSugar

No doubt that Apple App Store has its strengths, but let’s see how Google Play Store does better than the Apple App Store and come out on top.
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How mobile application beneficial for different industries? Here are most popular industries that are earning benefits using mobile apps for their business.
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If you want to find out how AngularJS can drastically improve your life as a web developer, explore the benefits of AngularJS and what are its strong points.
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Do you own a gym or fitness center? Here are top reasons why your gym and fitness center should have mobile app for your customers.
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If you are planning to develop a taxi booking app, here are the factors which need to be considered that will help you build a successful taxi app.
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App developers can optimize the size of iPhone app during its development phase. Here are the effective tips for cutting down the app size.
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Node.js is a great development platform for startups. Check out the benefits of Node.js if you decide to adopt the development tool into your startup creation process.
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The best tips on how to create a competent app that will keep people interested and guide them towards your business, as well as making them commit to your mobile app.
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Before developing a GPS navigation app, look at which are the must-have features that a good GPS navigation app should have.
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Take a look at what trends we can expect to overcome mediocrity in terms of mobile apps for the upcoming year.
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