Adamjayc submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Coming up with a good value proposition is hard enough as it is. Coming up with a unique value proposition is even harder.

Even so, your target customer is looking for something specific in your niche.

A value proposition helps you deliver that something to future customers.

In this post, Read More
Curious to know more about the state of the gig economy?

In this post, we share the latest gig economy statistics that showcase how much gig workers make, who gig workers are and more.

We’ve organized these stats into a few different lists, including general gig economy statistics, revenue-ba Read More
So many company leaders reach out to Square 2 and want to talk about their website. Once we review and audit the site, we usually find that it’s still an online brochure and not the lead-generating machine it should be.

After some discussions, we almost always uncover that what these people want Read More

7 Blog Post Types You Must Publish to Maximize Traffic

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 346 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on August 22, 2023 8:01 am
Bloggers shouldn’t limit themselves to one or two types of posts. Learn about the 7 most common blog types writers and marketers use. Read More

Shopify Print on Demand: How to Start a POD Store with Shopify

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 350 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on August 20, 2023 9:25 am
Starting a successful Shopify business is easier than you might think with print on demand products, and plenty of people are making their living through a POD Shopify business. It's a low-risk and simple way to start selling your product without the hassle of managing an inventory and finding loca Read More
Running an online business is not for the faint of heart. You created a shop on Etsy's marketplace because of the massive customer base. With over 300 million monthly visitors, it's hard not to want a piece of that pie.

With so many shoppers using the site and steep competition on the seller sid Read More

15 Ways To Increase Your Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR) In Google

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 351 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on August 18, 2023 8:59 am
Are you wondering how to increase your organic CTR in Google and improve your rankings for every keyword you want to rank for?

Organic click-through rate is an important part of search engine optimization. It refers to the number of clicks your articles receive on SERPs versus the number of impr Read More

What Is Repurposing Content? Definition, Tactics, and Examples

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 351 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on August 17, 2023 12:51 pm
Repurposing content is the solution to most of your content problems.

Do you find it difficult for you to come up with new content ideas every day? Reuse existing posts that performed well.

Are you short on time to keep up with content creation for multiple platforms? Recycle one of the olde Read More

Sendible Review: Social Media Management Made Easy?

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 351 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on August 15, 2023 5:36 am
Welcome to our Sendible review.

Sendible is a comprehensive social media management tool that enables you to control all of your channels in one place.

The platform features a social media scheduler, quick reports, team collaboration, a priority inbox, and customer support.

The key questio Read More
Do you need a WordPress advertising plugin to help you insert ads on your site and manage them?

Google AdSense and other ad networks allow you to monetize your content by displaying their ads across your site, particularly on blog post pages.

What ad management WordPress plugins allow you to Read More

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