Cendrinemedia submitted the following stories to BizSugar

If you have a Facebook Page, here is some good news for you. On Tuesday, Facebook announced that it had updated its Pages Terms to make things easier for managers and administrators interested in organizing promotions on the social network. Read More
A lot happened in social media this week. Here is a quick roundup of some of the latest news.

InsideFacebook reports that Facebook is testing two features. The More People to Follow prompt, which appears when a user decides to follow someone, and Pages to Watch. The latter allows Page admins and Read More
Looking for a tool to display your latest articles or news in your industry on your blog or website? Try Feedgrabbr. Feedgrabbr allows you to create custom RSS news widgets from several sources in minutes and then embed the result on a page. Read More
A few months ago, I shared a list of 14 tools and services that I use to monitor what goes on in the social media world. Since then, I have added a few more to my arsenal. Here are eight that I could not live without. Read More
If you use Scribd, SoundCloud, Storify, or Twitter, you probably know that the services offer embed codes that automatically detect the size of a visitor's screen. Unfortunately, things are different when it comes to YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Google Maps, Instagram, or Vine. Read More

Google Plus population around the world

Google Plus population around the world  - http://socialmediaslant.com Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Social Media
From http://socialmediaslant.com 3958 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on August 20, 2013 6:56 am
GPlusData, the resource for Google+ trends and statistics, recently released an interesting map showing the distribution of Google+ users around the world. The data is based on 145 million public profiles. Read More
Time to share another extract from my upcoming new eBook! I am in the middle of the second draft and will go through six or seven more afterwards. So, as Read More
Google has decided to expand its Think Insights offerings outside the United States. The search engine giant unveiled the Canadian version of its educational website and magazine on Tuesday. Read More
Duvamis is a social network based on the concept of anonymity and freedom of speech.

If this sounds like an interesting idea, continue reading. Duvamis Vice President, Peter Gechev took the time to answer my questions about the site. Read More
Have you ever received testimonials from people on social networks? If so, time to show them off in one convenient spot: Your website! Read More

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