Decipherzone submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Apache Druid is a database that offers real-time analytics, developed for quick slice-and-dice analytics of OLAP queries on a large number of data sets. Druid is optimized for data analysis of time series (a sequence of data points indexed over time). Read More
Apache Pinot can ingest data from streaming sources like Apache Kafka or AWS Kinesis, and batch data sources like AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), and Azure Data Lake. Apache Pinot is being used by brands like Uber and Microsoft for production purposes. Read More
Cryptocurrency is the term that has transformed from a niche to an overnight sensation. In simple terms, cryptocurrency is a virtual, digital currency that is created and stored in the blockchain, secured through cryptography, and designed to work as a medium of exchange. But one cannot trade crypt Read More
Docker can be used as a core building block for creating modern platforms and applications. Undoubtedly, with Docker, you can easily deploy code into the CI/CD pipeline, build and run distributed microservices architecture, and create scalable data processing systems. Docker makes the delivery of a Read More

8 Things to Look for When Finding the Best VPS Provider

Avatar Posted by decipherzone under Technology
From 1048 days ago
Made Hot by: MasterMinuteman on January 24, 2022 5:54 am
Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a hosting service set in a virtual environment. VPS hosting offers users dedicated server resources even though multiple users share the same server.

Choosing VPS hosting over other shared hosting is beneficial because of its increased performance, security, and o Read More
Hiring an actual software development genius is multi-faceted expertise that combines social media, technical knowledge, performance monitoring, and instinct. Anyone who has ever been in charge of hiring will attest to the magnitude and complexity of the task. Read More
Fintech or Financial Technology refers to the use of digital technology to develop innovative products and services. It is assumed to be the modern movement in the banking industry. And, it is being used to help companies, consumers, and business owners to manage all aspects of financial operations Read More
To build a language detection job, we need to provide text object listed manifest files to the S3 batch operations. And Amazon S3 Inventory that helps in managing the storage can be used as a manifest file input to create S3 bucket object lists. Read More
Amazon Rekognition is a powerful image and video processing service that can easily identify people, objects, photo elements and faces. It provides a pre-trained facial recognition model using which you can easily add to user onboarding and authentication workflows to verify their identities online Read More

Basic Usability Testing Techniques You Need to Know

Avatar Posted by decipherzone under Technology
From 1070 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on December 30, 2021 8:26 am
Usability testing is an overall powerful way of evaluating the user experience and the functionality of a product or service with your users. There are different testing techniques you can learn, and all of them are helpful.

Over the years, UX researchers have developed different techniques for Read More

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