Infoshelter submitted the following stories to BizSugar

In order to survive in a highly competitive world you have to create a distinctive competitive advantage Read More
The two best books in my opinion are: "The one minute manager" and "The Way of the Leader. Applying the Principles of Sun Tzu and Confucius, Ancient Strategies for the Modern Business World". Read More
Running a restaurant successfully can be more complex than it may seem. Thing become even more difficult due to the fact that our economy is on critical point. However, there is always a way to survive. Read More
In a rapidly changing economy, seemingly new phenomena rise over the economic horizon. For the more knowledgeable, however, it looks as if history repeats itself. Find out how the movement of labor forces affects international business. Read More
In this article you can find information about the major sources of finance for investors who wish to exploit their inventions commercially. Read More
Lack of demand, magnified by excessive optimism and greed, resulted in the recent global financial crisis. Read More
Analytical thinking is a vital skill for managers, upon which solution of business problems should be based. Read More
Comprehensive tips about the vital issue of achieving business continuity, covering areas such as the assessent of risk and the development of a recovery plan. Read More
Marketing myopia is a vital concept that every person employed in marketing management should understand Read More
In this article you can find a brief analysis regarding the definition of marketing, based on the relevant theoretical background Read More

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