Ivanpw submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The internet provides you with almost limitless opportunities to engage in marketing and promotions for little to no cost. Read More
What was unlimited now has a limit: Google+ is now only allowing Google+ account owner to invite up to 150 people. So, who want a Google+ invite with no catch? Read More
Netvani.com - a social media monitoring tools - can help you analyze your social media campaigns - and more. Read More
If you are a small business owner chances are you must be on the lookout for inexpensive ways to promote your business and gain visibility for your brand. Here is why your small business needs a Foursquare Business Page now… Read More
Blogs and blogging are heading toward extinction and if we insist on doing the same thing, we might not survive the natural selection in the blogosphere. Read More
Klout and PeerIndex enable users to receive a grade on their social media use, helping you to assess your social interactions. Read More
In choosing manual directory submission, you need to consider a few things as not all services are created the same. Here are some things to consider. Read More
The common advice for entrepreneurship is: Do not procrastinate. But I beg to differ; I suggest you to stop working once in a while in your entrepreneurial journey. Why should you do so? Read More
It is challenging to build a resilient small business – You need to embrace changes so that they are part of your business plan. Here are some tips on how to build one or at least, direct your business to embrace changes better than ever. Read More
If you are looking to submit your site to web directories, here is a list of 25 DMOZ-listed web directories you can submit your link to. Read More

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