Jjhnsn submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The questions on an RFP don’t need to be cryptic and complex. But asking them in that initial communication touch—the RFP—not only saves time spent in the evaluation and negotiation process, but helps the buyer communicate goals and objectives to the seller.

This article provides 3 tips for getting all the information you need the first time around Read More
Advances in media buying technology enable advertisers to reach local consumers more effectively and stand out among the noise. This post examines how technology and media buying have come together to increase process efficiency and improve advertising ROI Read More
This article describes how the process of planning and buying media might fit into the circles of hell described in Dante’s Divine Comedy. Almost Read More
Paying the right price for a great seat on that flight to Jamaica is an art form. So is negotiating placement and rate in media buying. This article compares these two purchases, and includes tips on using technology to get the best rate and placement for your "flight. Read More

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