Puzzlemarketer submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Google has been one of the leading forces in the search engine industry for several years now and it seems like everything they do tends to set the trend for other search engines. Over the years, they have implemented several new algorithm changes that have effectively slapped webmasters down the r Read More
For a fun Friday brain teaser, PuzzleMarketer.com brings you a puzzle using terms out of our digital marketing glossary. See how quickly you can guess what the images below are identifying. Check back every Friday for a new advertising puzzle to solve. Read More
I recently attended a digital marketing conference where they showed this very interesting infographic as a slide in their presentation. I found it so interesting that I’d thought I’d write a post and share it. The infographic was created by a web design company called Go-Globe. It summarizes all o Read More
Marketers can immediately increase their campaign success by using metrics and a payment model that is closer toward the end of the sales funnel. A “sale” is more valuable than a “prospect”. A “prospect” is more valuable than an “viewer”. In direct and online marketing, if a campaign is very target Read More
For a fun Friday brain teaser, PuzzleMarketer.com brings you a puzzle using terms out of our digital marketing glossary. See how quickly you can guess what the images below are identifying. Check back every Friday for a new advertising puzzle to solve. Read More
For a fun Friday brain teaser, PuzzleMarketer.com brings you a puzzle using terms out of our digital marketing glossary. See how quickly you can guess what the images below are identifying. Check back every Friday for a new advertising puzzle to solve. Read More
Add value to the visitors of your website before you ask them for their information. Create great offers that they want so much that they're willing to provide their email address and more. Here are 5 offers that can help start the relationship. Read More
If you’re a leader that is constantly putting together all of the pieces to a marketing puzzle, chances are one of your mantra’s or beliefs in life is to never stop learning. You’re probably always keeping yourself up-to-date on the latest blogs, books, and magazines. Here are some suggested readin Read More
Looking for ways to increase your email open rate? It's not all about subject line. It's about a clean list and a consistent strategy. Learn 5 tips of how to increase your open rates today. Read More
Before you start making radical changes on your website, in an effort to rank higher in the search engines, you first need to decide what keywords you’re going to rank for. Read More

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