Stevenscheck submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Even just a few years before, wireless devices were chiefly dumb devices. Today, they offer everything – right from mobile management tools, to support for several wireless frequencies. The best routers today boast a better level of default intelligence, making it easier to configure as well as use Read More
Every business generates data, regardless of its scale. Run a business for a month or so and see how deep you get buried inside the data that it spawns. Read More
Accessing the Internet is no longer a difficult task. In fact, you can access it almost anywhere. Wireless routers are so common these days. A majority of people prefer connecting to wireless connections when they are looking to surf the Internet. Read More

Investing in Business Wi-Fi Offers a Competitive Advantage

Avatar Posted by stevenscheck under Technology
From 3292 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on July 25, 2015 7:28 am
Wi-Fi is available almost everywhere these days. Even a few years before, work life chiefly revolved around the office, the hub of all activity. The modern employees, however, are no longer based in a fixed location and are working across multiple places utilizing personal devices. Read More
Offering a wireless hotspot and internet access to guests can open up new avenues for a business. Regardless of whether it is a restaurant, café, or some other kind of business, customers are quite likely to stay longer, buy more items and also visit more frequently with the knowledge that they can Read More
The overuse of the phrase “Enterprise Mobility” has made it vague. Anything that deals with how an enterprise functions, qualifies as an enterprise mobility solution these days. Read More
A lot of people look for excellent user experience when it comes to using the internet. And what can be a better way to have that than using Wi-Fi? However, the speed offered by the Wi-Fi connection isn’t always up to the mark. It slows down at times. But it’s not difficult to speed that up. Read More
Among many things, Wi-Fi is also being used for live streaming to view different videos over the internet. No matter how simple it may sound, it is a complicated process. It consumes a lot of bandwidth. So, the Wi-Fi connection needs to be perfect when you are planning to watch a video through live Read More
Whether you are a business owner or an individual WiFi user, it’s essential for you to keep your eyes open and monitor the WiFi industry. Like other industries, is undergoing constant changes. The changes can Read More
Small businesses these days are getting up to the speed. Many of them have been forcing their large counterparts to acknowledge their potential. It’s not surprising therefore that a handsome number of small businesses are getting acquired by large businesses. Read More

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