These stories submitted by Erikemanuelli became hot on BizSugar

Landing pages play a crucial role in lead generation. To stimulate conversions, they must capture the attention of your target audience, build their confidence with the right information, and compel them to take the next step.

This article shows five of the best landing page plugins for WordPres Read More
Gaining qualified traffic to your website is only half the journey. The other, most important half is transforming that traffic into paying customers.

To be profitable, conversion is imperative. You must make every visitor count if you want your marketing dollars to go a long way.

There’s a m Read More

Beginner’s Guide to Personas

Beginner’s Guide to Personas - Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Global
From 2698 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on February 13, 2017 11:13 am
You’ve probably heard of buyer personas or reader personas, and know that they’re an important marketing tool for building a blog or business.

But what exactly are personas? What do they look like, and how do you use them?

Personas are a powerful marketing tool, and a key to higher user engag Read More
Is Twitter dead? Probably not.

Twitter is giving full access of its Tweets to Google.

Twitter is making use of this traffic without logging into the platform.

If you are a blogger, marketer or in business, Twitter should be a part of your overall social media campaign. It is vital to tweet Read More
There's no denying it - cloud has arrived.

Cloud technology has seen adoption grow rapidly in recent years and is expected to be even bigger business.

Forrester expects public cloud services to be worth $236 billion by 2020 and, if the new year hasn't sunk in yet, that's just three years aw Read More

4 signs your content marketing strategy needs a makeover

4 signs your content marketing strategy needs a makeover  - Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Online Marketing
From 2706 days ago
Made Hot by: nikhilganotra on February 3, 2017 2:55 pm
As most marketers know, there is an unbelievable amount of potential in the realm of content marketing. It's perhaps one of the most advantageous marketing strategies brought forth by the digital era. This is due to the fact that, if done correctly, it can work like magic to bridge the gap between Read More

14 Free Tools Every Solopreneur Needs

14 Free Tools Every Solopreneur Needs - Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Global
From 2706 days ago
Made Hot by: iammvd30 on February 2, 2017 12:12 pm
When we're working as solopreneurs, there's a lot that needs to get done in a small amount of time. That's why it's so essential to have tools that make our lives easier. I found this article on Entrepreneur with a cool list of 14 tools that we can use and many of them I had never heard of before. Read More
It’s the dream of every blogger to write a post that gets picked up by social media and goes around the Internet like a fast-moving fire. We see these viral topics all the time. It might be a video of a baby laughing or an article about a mom creating storybook photos.

Trying to break the code Read More

How a Blog is Like Real Estate Property

How a Blog is Like Real Estate Property - Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Global
From 2710 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on February 1, 2017 11:41 am
A web property is similar to real estate property in that someone owns them. When it comes to web property, that is obviously content and designs created by a person or company on domains, on social media and in the public online realm.

Just like tangible property, a blog should grow in value ov Read More

How do you sell SaaS software to enterprise businesses?

How do you sell SaaS software to enterprise businesses? - Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Global
From 2708 days ago
Made Hot by: Inspiretothrive on January 30, 2017 11:11 pm
There are some huge advantages associated with having enterprise customers using your SaaS products. Doing business with the big guys involves deals that tend to be more significant and more consistent.

However, at enterprise companies, there are more tiers and layers to management structures, s Read More

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