These stories submitted by Adam_Gottlieb will be featured BizSugar's homepage

If you are the owner of a small business, chances are you've been receiving offers by credit card companies and their affiliates encouraging you to open a business credit account. Here are four reasons to open an account and how to avoid the pitfalls Read More
One of the biggest misconceptions many new entrepreneurs and small business owners have when they set up shop online is that a popular site with a lot of traffic will yield big profits. Read More
Ever since Tim Ferriss's 4-Hour Workweek began to grace business book shelves and populate e-readers, the act of hiring a virtual assistant to help carry out business tasks has acquired a certain allure. Hiring a VA can be a highly strategic and frugal business move, but only if you do it right. Read More
Along with the exciting parts of running a small business come a few headaches. One that might be particularly painful is your business accounting. Keeping the books for a business is like balancing your checkbook with ten times the frustration and about a hundred times the need for accuracy. Read More
Deciding to start up a family owned business means you will also be in the “business” of maintaining relationships. If you ignore this role, then your family relationships could quickly become family rivalries, and as these connections disintegrate so will your business. Read More
Life comes with its ups and downs. But what do you do when the downs keep heading towards you in unmanageable waves? It's not just a matter of sink or swim. How you choose to stay afloat can make all the difference in the long-run. Read More
Whether you're considering strategy or vision, expectations or needs, short-term or over the long-run, the success of almost any business startup is in the planning. With a family-run business the planning process is even more vital. You need to build a sturdy bridge over any troubled waters. Read More
Running a family business has a certain allure. Get it right, and you'll capitalize on a wellspring of passion, cohesion, and familiarity. But without enough care and planning, the business can quickly degenerate into a sticky, dysfunctional mess. These tips and resources can help you get it right. Read More
As important as it is to ask questions, do your research, and learn from mistakes, often success in business (and in life) depends on striking a balance between the times when you must pay attention and the times when you just need to look the other way. Read More
One major milestone of running a business is reaching a point where the business can continue to operate smoothly even when you are not there. Though this is typically said in reference to delegating tasks and having clear, thought-out policies and procedures, the truth is it goes way beyond that. Read More

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