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What's the beef between Yelp and Google? The two big tech companies may have worked better as allies, but now one is threatened to be devoured by the other. Learn why in this Tek Shouts! article. Read More
Meet one of Google's top innovators: Lars Rasmussen. He was the brains behind the original version of Google Maps and now offers his innovative services at Facebook. Read More
Where does Google stand in the mobile revolution beyond its looming mobile algorithm? Pretty darn well considering their phone carrier service, smart wallet, and still-relevant social platform. Learn about how Project Fi, Google Wallet, and Google+ help Google in the evolving world of mobile. Read More
If Google and Twitter became one, their combined forces could have fantastic results. But will the social media birdie concede to this search engine giant? Lauren talks about the implications of such a merger in this Tek Shouts! article. Read More
Our company's fierce battle for table tennis glory saw two champions this year! Hear about one of the most exciting team building activities our local business marketing company does for fun: Ping-Pong! Read More
A review of the top Google Maps competitors, the digital map technologies of Nokia and Apple. Do you find this surprising? Check out the full story in this Tek Shouts! article. Read More
One of the most common questions local business owners ask our company is "Why am I not ranking?" We address the many factors that go into Google Search ranking and why you might be lower than you'd like. Read More
The Google mobile-friendly update is going to be a game-changer. How can we become better mobile marketers for this upcoming shift in Google Search? For some tips, let's look to the art of public speaking. Read More
Are you prepared for Mobilegeddon? Google will roll out the new mobile-friendly algorithm on April 21st. Make sure you are ready with tips from this Tek Shouts! article. Read More
What are the four most popular search terms related to Easter? Find out what people are Googling for in this Tek Shouts! article. Read More

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