These stories submitted by TrevorTical will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Availing the services of a professional app development company will give you optimal benefits and results in comparison to hiring the freelance app developers.
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The Blockchain is rapidly changing the technology and various industries including finance. You must keep an eye on the latest Blockchain development trends.
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Let's discuss how you can actually earn huge bucks from investing into mobile apps and how much money can you make through a mobile app.
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The color of the app is supposed to be one of the most important elements that app designers should take vary of. Choose the colors wisely to fit within app.
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If you are in some dilemma whether to start using the Swift or not, this brief comparison between Objective-C and Swift will erase that confusion from mind.
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If you are planning to develop a healthcare application, then you should follow these latest healthcare app development trends to gain the top spot in the market.
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Do you want to estimate Android app development cost? Learn which factors that determine the cost of developing an Android application.
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Google released the first developer preview of Android P for its pixel phones. Here's the major changes that are important from a developer’s point of view.
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Learn how to reduce app churn by implementing push notifications to drive user retention and keep the existing ones interested.
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Apple informed app developers that all new iOS apps submitted to Apple app store from 1st April must support iPhone X super retina display.
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