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Have you ever used parametric tests before? Are you confused on whether you should pick a parametric test or go for the non parametric ones? If that is the doubt and question in your mind, then give this post a good read. In this article we are going to talk to you about parametric tests, parametr Read More
The word interview makes us uncomfortable the second we qualify in the category of the interviewee. An interviewee is a person who is interviewed by the authority to qualify for a certain task or position. Well, you must have experienced an interview once in your school life. Back then, the intervi Read More
Structured interview is a standardized interview process that comes with several advantages and disadvantages. It is a quantitative research process, that has been employed in every survey research and can be presented in the same way. The aim of the whole approach is to make sure that the intervie Read More
Freelancing is on the rise. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of May 2015, there are 15.5 million Americans who are self-employed. What’s even more surprising is that this number could rise up to 40% by 2020 based on a study by Emergent Research. To quote: “The long-term trend of hiri Read More
Most of the companies maintain some sort of quality in their working environment. And these natures of work can be compared with the rest of the companies involved in the same field of work. To specify that comparison, these companies use some sort of benchmarking process. The benchmarking process Read More
Getting into a training package to know a lot about our concerned job has become an inevitable norm these days. All the employees’, those who currently work in a firm and those who have recently joined in the firm are being made to undergo rigorous training for a specific period of time as a part o Read More
To make the meaning of data mining easy, one can separate the words and try to understand the meaning better. Here data mining can be taken as data and mining, data is something that holds some records of information and mining can be considered as digging deep information about useful materials. S Read More
Data warehousing can be defined as particular area of comfort wherein subject oriented, non-volatile collection of data is done as to support the management’s process. It senses the limited data within the multiple data resources. It has built in data resources that are modulated upon the data tran Read More
The dictionary meaning of the word ‘venture’ is a hazard or a risk. However, joint venture in business deals with risk as well as benefits. The joint venture is a commercial enterprise in which two or more companies join their forces to gain a tactical and strategic edge in the market. Companies co Read More
This question probably does not need an answer. The existence of newspaper is not at all a secret to anyone. The invention of newspaper started during the ruling period of the kings. The objective of these newspapers was to bring forward the latest news from the north, east, west and south of the k Read More

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