These stories submitted by YanivWalters will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Apple has introduced a number of fresh updates and included a spectrum of useful features in the new and advanced iOS12 version.
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Looking to build a city guide app for the travelers? then here’s what you need to know the key features and app development cost to develop a city guide app.
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There shouldn’t be any second thoughts over JavaScript being regarded as one of the most popular and widely used client-side programming languages. It is basically employed as a web frontend development tool and proves to
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Everything you need to know about Agile and DevOps and what are their major differences and similarities.
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The Minimum Viable Product can be considered as the base architecture of any mobile app. Find out the benefits that MVP offers in mobile app development process.
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Here are the most important announcements Apple made at it's annual Worldwide Developers Conference about the latest updates to Apple's platforms - iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
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The Blockchain technology has really proved to be blessing for the real estate industry transforming it and helping the property investors to prosper.
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There are various reasons that can make your app slow and also affect its performance. So, better identify the causes and work out to solve it.
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It is very important for any app developer to get well familiar with the procedure of prototyping a mobile app to build a better product.
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If you want to get more consumers on the board, you have to ensure a few vital steps before publishing the app to the app store or play store.
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