These stories submitted by Franpro will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Learn from industry insider, Joel Libava. He recently wrote a revealing eBook... Read More
How is the small business community going to vote? Read More
When choosing a franchise to invest in, how important is the brand to you? Read More
Nothing stays the same forever. the stock market won't either. get into a business of your own...just be careful. Joel Libava, Cleveland area Franchise consultant, blogger, and marketer explains. Read More
Our children probably won't need to have any computer skills. Of course THIS franchise company disagrees... Read More
Mrs. Fields, a rather large mall based franchise company, is filing for bankruptcy. This can't be good.... Read More
Is your business really ready to franchise??? Read More
Rush Nigut, an Iowa franchise attorney, disagrees with a popular franchise industry blogger on whether one should WORK in a franchise before buying it... Read More
This blog was just launched to watch the progress of Guy Kawaski's start-up, Read More

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