These stories submitted by Harleenas will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Do you want to be successful? If yes, then you need to be more productive, right? To be more productive, you need to be more focused, and to be focused you need to have a strong willpower. However, there's a spoiler. In today's world, there are a lot of distractions - some of these are your mobile, Read More
Marriage is often taken for granted. We think we know all and get into it without learning how to make it work. Understanding marriage should be the foremost task if you want to live a happy married life. There’s more to marriage than love, sex, and trust. Let’s clear some misunderstandings and hig Read More
Do you want to lose weight quickly? No matter what happens do not use these methods to slim down fast! There’s all kind of information online about the fast ways to lose weight, and desperate people are willing to do anything, even resort to unhealthy ways to lose weight fast because of lack of awa Read More
Do you have a business or e-commerce website? If you sell or plan to sell anything on your blog or website, then this is the post for you. You know that online buying is the trend these days. However, with rising competition, you need to give the best online buying experience to your customers. Bec Read More
My heartiest greetings to all those who are celebrating or about to celebrate their country's Independence Day! This post is written on the eve of our Independence Day. It's about how your personal development is related to the growth of your society and a contributing factor to nation building. It Read More
Do you want your Twitter profile page to stand apart? A good way to do that is to create the Twitter header photo in the style of a magazine cover. You can make your cover photo for Twitter without Photoshop by following this guide-cum-tutorial. Know about everything from getting ready and taking t Read More
Have you heard about OCD? It is the short form for "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder", which is all about recurring and unwanted thoughts in your head that make you take repeated actions. Well, OCD can really be devastating if it gets severe. But the good news is that it's possible to deal with and ov Read More
More the time we spend with our family, the stronger is the bonding. Right? However, our modern lifestyle leaves us with little or no time for interactions within the family, leave alone quality time. Then how do we create family time in our daily life? One solution is to dedicate some area in the Read More
Are you divorced or separating from your partner? If you’re separating with kids involved, then you need to handle it with care. It may come as a shock to your kids and affect their lives. Therefore, as responsible divorcing parents, telling your kids about your separation has to be a process. Lear Read More
Do you know that your body uses sunlight to make Vitamin D? Of course, you know, and you also know how essential Vitamin D is for your body. But the problem is your modern lifestyle. Tell me, how many hours are you out in the sun every day? To be really honest, you receive an insignificant amount o Read More

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