These stories submitted by Janesheeba will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to make money. And in order to successfully make money with affiliate marketing, you need to make use of the right tools.

Here are top 10 affiliate marketing (WordPress) plugins - choose the best ones that suit your needs! Read More
You should be blogging about a niche that you're passionate about. Something that makes you excited to get out of bed each and every morning. Read More
No matter how careful you are, your computer can still get a virus (a malware or a phishing software). And you could be totally unaware of it.

Actually it doesn't matter if you have an anti-virus program installed or not, here are seven signs that tell that your computer is malware infected.

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There are TONS of WordPress themes around! Which one is best for your blog? Choose one from this list of 45 themes. Read More
For women entrepreneurs, getting pregnant and having a baby can quite interfere with running a business. These tips should help you with that. Read More
Popups can be in general annoying to your readers. But exit intent popups are less annoying and are meant to convert those visitors who are just about to leave your website.

With WordPress, you can set one up using a plugin! Here are 10 great exit intent popup plugins to choose from. Read More
Affiliate Marketing is one such income stream where you can earn money literally while you sleep - doesn’t that sound too good to be true?

While there are numerous ways to earn money online affiliate marketing has gained the interest of a lot of internet marketers for many obvious reasons (more Read More
Messaging apps have taken over and play major role in life and business of many people. In fact people have started expecting a lot more than mere messaging from these messaging apps.

Find out how these apps have taken over and what crucial roles they play. Read More
If someone is stealing your wifi, your wifi could be slow. You will also be losing previous data allowance, and can get into trouble. Read More
Page loading speed greatly affects the performance of your website and hence your business. Find out how speed affects your business. Read More

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