These stories submitted by Mmangen will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Empowering your employees to be advocates can be a powerful business tool. Build an amplification strategy with tips from Expion, H&R Block and Altimeter. Read More
Ready to launch a B2B mobile marketing strategy but not sure where to start? Try these 15 tips you can use today. Read More
Walmart won't join European retailers who have signed an agreement to help improve factory safety in Bangladesh, opting instead to create their own plan. Read More
Register now for the PPAI Product Safety Summit, an info-packed opportunity focused on pressing product safety issues and compliance-related matters. Read More
Sunday evening for a lot of people is when they review email, catch up on loose ends and plan the week ahead. Read More
Ditch the Rolodex and keep track of business cards (and your network) with these 5 business card apps. Which one is your favorite? Read More
A new report shows that social sharing now carries more importance in improving search rank, which means if social sharing isn't on your radar, it should be. Read More
I’ve been having a lot of conversations, recently, about sales and marketing alignment. For a while I have been saying that a managed lead-to-revenue process will catalyze a new collaborative relationship between sales and marketing. Read More
Before if you were making a product, the right business strategy was to put 70% of your attention, energy, and dollars into shouting about a product, and 30% into making a great product. So you could win with a mediocre product, if you were a good enough marketer. That is getting harder to do. The Read More
Publishing a blog post won't do much good if Google can't find it. Use these 6 tips to help your blogs become more visible in search results. Read More

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