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New technology is being used in several high profile physical therapy centers across the United States. A device called ZeroG can be used to support patients who are relearning how to walk. The ZeroG has a harness that is connected to a track in the ceiling. Read More
Adsense got a new update to its version 3 yesterday but it seems that the updates are not perfectly implemented. Logging into Adsense Account with the new interface lead me to no result or blank page and a notification message later on the Performance Page. Read More
It appears that Facebook has begun testing advertisements that are based on status updates. It also appears that they are testing Facebook ads on wall posts published by your friends. I’ve thought for years that they were going to do this but never thought it would be this soon. Read More
A company has several satellite centres around the UK, each of which provides services to communities via annually renewable contracts with local authorities. Due to Government funding cuts those authorities are looking to make savings by paring down the costs of services such as your business prov Read More
Not surprisingly Charlie Sheen is doing exactly what he says he is: Winning, well, maybe not in the way he means but he’s certainly grabbing a lot of attention. In one day alone he gained over a million followers to his Twitter feed. Read More
If any of you read my article earlier this week about How Do I Buy A .XXX Domain you’ll know that I’m not much into the porn scene. But I am into making money off the people selling porn. Meaning that I want to take them for everything they are worth. Making money with .XXX domains is something Read More
Cloud computing is one of the most heavily hyped, yet generally least understood trends in modern computing. Simply put, virtualization or cloud computing is the process of moving office information technology resources and data storage offsite and accessing them through a high-speed internet conne Read More
Although there are too many Search Engines on the web, but the most common Search Engines which too many people use worldwide named as Google, Yahoo and Bing. There are some simple ways that you should use to improve the visibility of your website at those Search Engines. Read More
It begins, however, to be common to find mini-laptop with higher resolution in 2011, and Samsung NF310 is one of them. Read More
Having .XXX domains would eliminate the porn all over the internet in random places. It could require people putting up porn to only put it up on .XXX domains. You would only be able to buy .XXX domains and host porn on that specific domain type. Read More

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