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Check out some of the best personal and professional development books our seasoned digital marketing leader, Matt Erney, has chosen for the year 2015. Once you have chosen a few, check out our blog post for some review questions and evaluation criteria. Happy Reading!
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It has been an interesting year for marketing trends. Many of the predictions made at the end of 2013 have come partially true, while others have missed the mark entirely. For marketers, there are a couple of big trends that have started to stand out and will probably continue to evolve for several Read More
Between phones ringing, text messages incoming, and a mounting number of emails, there are many distractions aimed at today’s worker. From the temptation to spend time on social media to chatting with colleagues, distraction is lurking around every corner. To combat distraction and stay focused at Read More
The first few resolutions lists were probably filled with absurd goals like, “I will learn how to do a headstand or finally do a flip off the diving board in a pool.” As the years went on and I grew up, I dreaded making those resolutions list because I stopped believing in them. To me, a person sho Read More
More than half of traffic to online websites occurs through mobile devices now. Using mobile technology to promote marketing campaigns is no longer a supplement to a campaign; it is part of a core marketing effort most companies cannot afford to ignore.

Consider these reasons why mobile targetin Read More
It may seem too basic to be effective, but email marketing is still one of the most reliable methods for communicating with a target audience. Whether you choose to send an email newsletter or an e-zine, utilizing this form of communication has countless benefits for your business. How Email Market Read More
With everyone wearing so many hats at work, it is easy to get caught up with your workload and tune out other projects you’re not involved in. It’s super important to show employees that they are appreciated. Celebrate wins at work with impromptu outings, flexible time, free swag, and team-wide rec Read More
One of the most important aspects of a business' success is its reputation. It can take years to build a good and respectable reputation, but a few misplaced words and accidental actions can ruin that reputation within a matter of minutes. Below is a list of tips for improving and controlling your Read More
Tips to help copywriters refresh their skills when stuck in a rut.
You live to write compelling copy that connects with people, treating every little word with a bit of carefully-thought-out TLC. But as a content marketer, stretching your mind in a million different ways for a million different pr Read More
A study by Cisco indicates that 69% of consumer internet traffic will be online video marketing by 2017. Soon, more content may be distributed visually than via text, and small businesses that didn't integrate video marketing into their overall strategies may suffer from this trend. Read More

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