Keepupweb submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Are you thinking about rebranding and combining multiple websites under one brand? Worried about trashing your SEO ranking? Do you remember when rebranded as Within 6 months, they were ranking higher for SEO terms and phrases than they had as SEOMoz and you can too. Read More
Did you know that UGC stands for “User Generated Content”? A content marketing strategy that includes user generated content can double average conversion rates and increase eCommerce sales as much as 50%. Read More

Podcasting: Because Your Audience Wants To Hear From You

Avatar Posted by keepupweb under Resources
From 3321 days ago
Made Hot by: MasterMinuteman on June 27, 2015 10:59 am
Podcasting is the natural next step in relationship building. They know and trust your voice. They feel like they already know you. Knowing that your audience, your target market, and your clients truly want to hear from you is the most compelling reason to get started with your own podcast. Read More

SEO Resources Bloggers Can Use

Avatar Posted by keepupweb under Online Marketing
From 3345 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on June 2, 2015 7:19 am
Are you optimizing your blog posts for the search engines? Do you use SEO to drive traffic to your website? The resources in this roundup are from 8 top SEO influencers. Read More
Choosing a WordPress theme isn’t easy. Which best-selling themes can lead to security risks, code bloat or a theme that you’re stuck with for life? Read More
What are the two most powerful strategies bloggers can implement? Guest blogger (and engagement superstar) Adrienne Smith shares her insight with us. Read More
Has Google’s mobile friendly ranking signal caused #Mobilegeddon? How can you get your site to show up in mobile searches? Learn more in this week's #FridayFinds. Read More
Is what you don’t know about SEO hurting you? Are you at risk of Google penalizing or de-indexing you? Want more organic search traffic? Learn more in this week’s #FridayFinds. Read More
What business are you really in? Do you offer tangible values to people? What problems do you solve? If you meet your prospects needs, they will buy. Read More
How can you increase your engagement thru Twitter? What are the best content marketing articles? Need social media tools? This plus more in #FridayFinds. Read More

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