Tcrossland submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Marketing automation is not the magic formula that will increase sales! How many times have we been warned about using it wisely and not becoming technology dependent? Sales automation tools are great to have provided you’re in the driver’s seat. That means knowing how to interpret the information Read More
The importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to increase brand awareness and B2B demand generation cannot be stressed enough. ‘Being found’ in the top of the SERP (search engine result page) of major search engines like Google and Yahoo can make or break your business. Read More
I thought we would start some regular features on this blog, starting with a weekly round up of interesting statistics and numbers: 1. 91% of email users have unsubscribed from a company email they previously opted-in to. (source: Hubspot). People whether consumers or executives only want to receiv Read More
Several months ago, I commented on my blog about Dell’s social media initiatives and the much touted case study of their “success”. Any good marketer should learn from past mistakes and refine demand generation tactics to deliver greater results and ROI. I thought it worthwhile to look back and see Read More
Blog Title: B2B Marketing and Lead Generation Challenges – “The Q Continuum”

Blog Link: Read More
Creating brand awareness, enhancing brand reputation and building customer loyalty fall under the typical goals of a marketing strategy. But for the most part, the prime purpose of any marketing program is to meet the challenge of: how can I generate more leads for my business? Read More

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