These stories submitted by DawnRiversBaker will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Keith Hall, tax expert for the National Association for the Self-Employed, joined me on Microbusiness Conversations for an informative chat about microbusiness and taxes and, specifically, about those nasty (and stupid) new 1099 reporting requirements that were slipped into the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This is an important conversation, so I hope you take the time to listen.
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Why is the Obama Administration reducing funding for Microloan at a time when small businesses are still having trouble finding banks willing to lend and the White House is proposing to spend taxpayer dollars to bribe said banks to get with the program? For that matter, why are we back to fighting for funding for Microloan at all? It seems so ... last Administration Read More
You hear all the time about how your business plan is a living document that you should revisit and update regularly but do you? Or do you wait until circumstances force your hand? Your trusty Journal Blogger has encountered a whole string of issues/challenges/problems over the last year that has her considering and reconsidering what her options might be. How about you Read More

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