These stories submitted by Phyllisjones will be featured BizSugar's homepage

What makes a qualified social media manager someone who has the training/time, experience and the can do attitude. Strategy is the most important part of your social media campaign. Read More
As a social media manager it is your responsibility to stay up on the latest trends within the industry. The industry is always changing and your clients and prospects want to know that they are staying ahead of the curve this is where you come in as a manager. As a manager you are a resource of kn... Read More
In the recent months more and more social media managers have become apparent on the Internet. With that being said, talking about the Social Media Manager Best Practices was a must! Being a social media manager doesn't take much skill but it does take the right kind of person. A manager needs to ... Read More
These are just some strategies for getting started with Twitter. When your using Twitter for your small business it is important to create a social media road map just as you would if you were planning a trip or vacation. By creating this map it keeps you focused and also helps provide so you can ... Read More
It's easy to embed YouTube videos if you know where to look on YouTube. In this post we go step by step with screenshots showing the process of embedding YouTube videos on your blog or website. Read More
“Not following the etiquette of social media interaction could cost you your sterling reputation and label you a spammer for life. Discover how a social media manager should behave in a networking setting with friends, acquaintances and even strangers.” Read More
A short description of how to network on Facebook effectively and without being to pushy with your product. Facebook is all about the relationships that you can have and share with others so using facebook effectively in that manner can definitely pay off. Read More

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