GotFreeBusinessCards2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In September 2017, the airline was forced to cancel 20,000 flights due to rostering problems, leaving Europe’s largest airline by passenger numbers unable to staff pilots to planes. The result was a sh#* storm of epic proportions that the pilots used to put the squeeze on management. Read More
Website Checklist for a Responsive User Friendly WordPress Website

Launching a WordPress website? This Handy Website Checklist will Help You Make Sure Your WordPress Website is User Friendly and Responsive.

Design Elements That Determine Whether or Not a Website is User-Friendly

When you s Read More

What\'s Wrong with the Buyer Generations?

What\\\'s Wrong with the Buyer Generations?  - Avatar Posted by cbrendlinger under Finance
From 2335 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on February 10, 2018 1:13 pm
Many of the upcoming buyer generations can’t or won’t run Baby Boomer businesses. This is (or should be) of concern to sellers everywhere. Generation X and the Millennials are not attracted, as a group, to many of the businesses run by Baby Boomers. We’ve discussed the macroeconomic trends, demogra Read More

How Much Does a Website Really Cost to Build?

How Much Does a Website Really Cost to Build? - Avatar Posted by mapleleafmark under Online Marketing
From 2335 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on February 11, 2018 3:08 pm
How much should a redesigned or refreshed Website cost? It's an impossible question to answer but companies should consider their options before allocating a budget. Read More
The franchise model of doing business is a decidedly American affair.

The concept marries the power and scale efficiencies of large corporate bodies with the entrepreneurialism and hard work of mom-and-pop small business.
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7 Twitter Hashtag Research Tools for Marketers

7 Twitter Hashtag Research Tools for Marketers  - Avatar Posted by StellaShveyqgd under Social Media
From 2335 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on February 9, 2018 10:24 am
Do you use hashtags for marketing campaigns on Twitter?

Looking for hashtag tools to help improve your use of hashtags?

In this article, you’ll find seven hashtag tools for researching and reporting on Twitter hashtags. Read More
Don't expend enormous amounts of time and energy on your small business if you are operating in treadmill mode. You will stay in exactly the same spot. But, if you exert the same effort, in conveyor belt mode, results will be vastly different. Get off your treadmill and onto a conveyor system to Read More

Ultimate Collection Of Blog Marketing Websites For 2018

Ultimate Collection Of Blog Marketing Websites For 2018 - Avatar Posted by bbrian017 under Marketing
From 2335 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on February 9, 2018 10:54 am
I’ve been marketing online for over 12 years now and have compiled the ultimate list of social bookmarking sites for bloggers. This list is very targeted to the blogging, business, marketing, wordpress and social media niche for the most part. In some cases the sites do allow for submissions outsid Read More
Most bloggers focus on the money aspects of creating a blog but they totally forget how to make the blog functional, the right way - so they can move in the right direction towards the success they expected.

Yes, making money from a blog IS possible only if you set the basics right.

This post Read More

How to keep employee morale up in the winter

How to keep employee morale up in the winter - Avatar Posted by Workopolis under Management
From 2336 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on February 9, 2018 11:07 am
To prevent an outbreak of the winter doldrums at your workplace, try these methods to keep employee morale up through to spring.

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