Halcyona voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Simply showing up online isn’t enough to guarantee success. We’ve studied what 4 of the most successful e-commerce brands of all time are doing right. And, we’ve cultivated a list of 13 actionable branding lessons that apply to businesses of any size or platform – not just iconic internet businesse Read More
Today, it’s imperative that each company have a unique brand identity. What can you learn from the most influential logos of the 20th century and how can you use this insight to create a stronger brand identity for your own business? Read More
Did you know that over 90% of potential customers say that color is the most important factor when they choose what products they buy? Here's a deep look at why so many businesses use blue in their brand identity - and whether it could work for your business. Read More
Wondering how to start a small business blog? This article from Small Business Brief looks specifically at the importance of planning before starting your blog and looks at some of the critical questions to answer. Deciding what you wish to accomplish with your small business blog is a huge part of the equation...and a huge part of figuring out wh Read More

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