JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you’re a regular reader here of our blog on all things about Canadian SEO, then you know that I’m totally sold by the folks over at Sophos and their spot-on security applications, white papers, tools, podcasts and blog infometrics that they seem to offer up weekly!

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Okay, by now you may have already learned that Google has just three days ago, added the Google HotPot social input to their web results “big leagues!!!”

News? Yes? Does that help searchers? You be the judge! For me the jury is stilll out, eh! And here’s my backstory on my testing so far….

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I am happy to present The Solopreneur Life Heroes for 2011. The purpose of Heroes is threefold:
• To recognize people who help solopreneurs flourish
• To expose you to new people and ideas
• To inspire all of us to adopt the spirit of service that the Heroes carry with them every day Read More

Website Monitoring Escalation – InfoGraphic

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Technology
From http://www.dotcom-monitor.com 4986 days ago
Made Hot by: alastair on February 3, 2011 10:56 pm
Graphical display of the various levels of website monitoring that are used to keep ensure that a website is open for business. Read More
A recent look at this area of interest, i.e. the link that “should” exist between SMBs and SEO here in Canada has shown one thing big time — that for much of the SMB world, such a knowledgeable link does not exist! And how did I learn that? Simple, I found the info both here at DIYSEO and the link Read More
Okay, this is so so so basic in Marketing 101, that I’m always a bit taken back by new clients, who have never learned that if you want business from website visitors, you need to ASK for it! Yup, that’s still one of the most necessary items in any website’s marketing strategy, the “call-to-action” Read More
Establishing a budget for your business is important, whether you are in the start-up phase or you are currently running your company. The biggest reason that businesses fail is that they run out of money. This can mean that they do not have enough revenue coming in, but it can also mean that they Read More
Okay, so the big holiday retail shopping period has just ended, your closet is full of items to return and you’re a’wondering if the folks who bought you that automatic garlic press actually “thought” about the gift before wrapping same, right? Well, Yahoo and the YAdvertising agency just completed Read More
If you have a blog and Facebook, you’ve probably already wondered how to publish your recent blog post to your Facebook wall. This is an easy process that you can actually do in Facebook and only takes a few minutes to complete. Follow our step-by-step process and you will sync the two up in no tim Read More
Okay, this has been noodling at me now for more’n a couple of years….the simple thought that Google does have ALL of mankind’s knowledge at it’s beck and call. Think about that for a second or a year…and if you’re like me, then maybe you’ll start nodding. And what do I mean by this thought? Like th Read More

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