MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In this #TYBCommunity round-up we share a few posts about Facebook newsfeed changes, Social tools, content creation, Twitter conversations, press releases, web visitors and lots more. Read on to find out how you can contribute and help make these updates even better. Read More
Cross-promotion over social media is one of the most recommended marketing techniques for the travel industry. Learn How Airlines and hotels can work together. Read More

What If Your Manager Was An Algorithm?

Avatar Posted by BChignell under Technology
From 3595 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on December 2, 2014 3:32 am
Could you report to an artificial entity, coded by someone you’ve never met? What if your manager was an algorithm? It could happen in the not too distant future. Read More
Networking with your peers and developing credibility in your field is essential as a professional; this is why we've put together this Infographic, to help Solicitors become an active presence on LinkedIn. Read More

How to handle failure like a boss

Avatar Posted by jessicaz under Strategy
From 3595 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on December 2, 2014 4:11 am
Fall down seven times. Stand up eight.
Sometimes you can't avoid failure.
Here's how to bask in it and come out shining.
What was your biggest career failure? Read More
New to SEO? This is the complete SEO guide which helps you to make a great blog. Don't forget to share. Read More
A while back we shared our first eCommerce Marketing Weekly Round-up. Because you have enjoyed the suggestions we made, we decided to create a second round-up of articles that will prove useful for entrepreneurs, internet marketers, business owners and tech savvy individuals. Read More
According to data from Tony Haile of Chartbeat,you have 15 seconds to capture the attention of your website visitors. And what's worse, his data indicates that on average 55% of people who click onto a site spent fewer than 15 seconds actively on a page. Read More
This is a real case scenario happened to me last week and thought of sharing with the rest.

In this article, I share simple ways to develop a winning business plan for restaurant owners and you can start one yourself right now.

Tell me what you think. Read More
Here are a few of the best business books that have come out in recent years - all of which should be on your reading list for 2015. Read More

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