MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Success does not happen by itself. It is a long and arduous process. Influence and impact are part of a marathon, not a sprint. It is easy to look at successful people around us, though, and make excuses for why they have accomplished so much. We can write it off as luck or raw talent. While there Read More
What the world needs now is a Facebook Zero hero. And that hero is you! Use this quick tutorial to teach your followers how to combat Facebook's latest changes in three simple steps. Read More
Thinking about implementing a price increase for your ecommerce business? Use these 5 steps to do so in a way that doesn't piss off existing customers and helps you step up your profit margin. Read More
Thinking about implementing a price increase for your ecommerce business? Use these 5 steps to do so in a way that doesn't piss off existing customers and helps you step up your profit margin. Read More

Do I Need A Privacy Policy on My Website?

Avatar Posted by VisibleLogic under Online Marketing
From 2424 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on February 13, 2018 1:58 am
When we work on web sites for our clients, I always ask them to provide content for a privacy policy. Many of our clients are surprised and may not have a policy written up, even if they already have a web site live for their business. To help you, I did a Q&A session with a local attorney. Read More
More and more companies are turning to freelance writers for help with projects ranging from special reports to creating marketing content. You can start finding the ideal freelance writer by following these guidelines. Read More
Mobile marketing is becoming increasingly popular with the rise of mobile devices. How can you take advantage of it to grow your business. Read More
Do you want to know Where to Get Sponsored Blog Post Opportunities? If you want to know How to get Sponsored Blog Post Opportunities for Bloggers through a company Read More
Website Checklist for a Responsive User Friendly WordPress Website

Launching a WordPress website? This Handy Website Checklist will Help You Make Sure Your WordPress Website is User Friendly and Responsive.

Design Elements That Determine Whether or Not a Website is User-Friendly

When you s Read More

Small Businesses: Three Social Post Mistakes To Avoid

Avatar Posted by divahound under Social Media
From 2425 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on February 10, 2018 12:33 pm
There is more content online now than ever before, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that ANY content is good content. But there are definite posts that anyone should avoid, especially a small business. These kinds of posts aren’t good for your business, your brand and won’t add any v Read More

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