MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Are you for real? In five words?!

Arh! Okay let’s give it a try.

I believe digital marketing [1]can be summarized simply in these words, Read More
Have you ever faced difficulties while writing a title for your blog post?

If yes, then this article can help you in writing some awesome and catchy title for your next article.

Titles are really important aspect in organic traffic of your blog. If you write creative and catchy title you incr Read More
Do you want to grow your name and your business online? If so, you need to build your personal brand first. Start thinking of your name — and yourself — as a brand and everything else will fall into place. Take a look at these five ways of building a personal brand in a week or less. Read More
How do you post a job on LinkedIn? It is actually very simple, and the company has gone out of its way to limit the number of steps needed to post a job. Here is a step by step process to post a job on LinkedIn on your personal profile, company or group page. Read More
You company should do social branding. Consider these five incentives, and see if social media does not feel like a natural next step for your brand. Read More
Have you ever clicked around a web application that has cool, fast, or smart functionality and wondered “How’d they do that?” Here, we’ll dissect the tools and technology behind some popular sites so you can start to implement similar ideas in your own application. Read More
Parlez-vous Français? Habla Español?

If you’re fluent in English and another language, you can find great work as a translator.

Translators work in a multitude of industries, from customer service and marketing to the medical industry. In our ever increasing global market, Read More
Placing Facebook ads with the intent to convert requires a unique approach, one that is much different than trying to get more Page likes or build brand awareness. Make sure you're not wasting ad dollars! Read More
If you want to attract the attention of your website visitors from all over the world, adding a Google translate feature is a handy way!

Find out how to add it to your WordPress website and instantly provide translation option to about 100+ languages. Read More
Starting a business[1] and growing it to the point where it becomes extremely successful surely takes time, Read More

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