MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Over the past few years, the term “growth hacking” has become the new favorite phrase in the internet marketing space.

Local businesses talk about growth hacking their stores.

Bloggers talk about growth hacking their readership.

Startups talk about growth hacking their usage.

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There’s a simple truth that many marketers come to understand as they build up a brand: a company’s brand belongs to the community. Yes, we work to build it up and spread awareness, but ultimately it lives and dies in their hands. Read More
There’s a simple truth that many marketers come to understand as they build up a brand: a company’s brand belongs to the community. Yes, we work to build it up and spread awareness, but ultimately it lives and dies in their hands. Read More
VAT is a like a local tax that is applicable on sales made within the state whereas CST is a central tax which gets levied if the goods cross state border.
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Are Franchises Worth It?

Avatar Posted by jondyer under Franchises
From 3018 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on June 19, 2016 11:41 am
There are a number of ways to start a business and franchising is just one option. While some entrpreneurs may find it helpful to have the support of a larger brand behind them, others may be frustrated by the lack of freedom. This begs the question — is being a franchise owner right for you?
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Guest blogging: Quick tips to do it right

Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Social Media
From 3018 days ago
Made Hot by: luvhealthcare on June 20, 2016 12:41 pm
Like every blogger on the planet, I receive guest posting pitches. Most of them are awful. And not because the senders don’t know what they are doing. In 70 or 80 percent of cases, they are spammers whose job is to send mass, pre-formatted emails. They don’t even look at your website. Read More
What are some creative ways to get the data you need, to understand what your customers really want? One way to do it is to use mobile technology, and specifically mobile apps. Here are some suggestions on how to do that. Read More
Let’s face it. When you start a business money is not going to be thrown at you. You have to budget for online marketing and everything else you need to build a successful business. Setting the optimal online marketing budget is difficult. Read More
Duplicate content can have a damaging effect on your website’s performance. It hurts your SEO, drops page or domain ranking scores, and sometimes even risks your entire site being landed in the dreaded “sandbox”, where it will sit for all eternity unless you put lots of effort into pulling it out.. Read More
In this episode, Elizabeth Larkin, managing editor of Small Biz Ahead and small business owner and columnist Gene Marks discuss the article: Hiring Laborers and Hiring Family. Read More

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