MattMansfield voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Small and medium-size businesses need to compete despite smaller budgets and fewer resources. How can they get their hands on the technology they need without breaking the bank? Read More
Old networking infrastructure is one of the biggest barriers to implementing a unified communications and collaboration strategy. Here's how SMB networks can handle the increased load, without requiring a significant hardware upgrade. Read More
Small and midsize businesses sometimes believe that big data only applies to enterprise-size companies. However, when smaller businesses use the oceans of data around them, they can improve in almost every way. Read More
Need some software but don't know where to start? Here's a step-by-step guide that will walk you through the process. Read More
The number of marketing trends and predictions for 2017 posts, makes it hard for any savvy business owner to figure out what to focus on in 2017.

Happily for you, I simplified this by reviewing and analyzing 151 marketing trends and predictions posts. I then compiled the results into bite-sized Read More
Yearly evaluations are stupid. They waste time. They’re ineffectual.
Here’s three reasons why they don’t work — and a better way to accomplish each. Read More
Adding a new online solution to the lineup your company already uses can be a challenge. After all, how do you know they’ll all work together? It used to take a time-consuming combination of research and trial and error to answer that question. That is, until Siftery came along. Read More
Since the advent of the World Wide Web, the opportunity for collaboration has been one of its most touted features. Enter Slack!
Here at Small Business Trends, we’ve seen online collaboration apps come and go, but few have caught fire like Slack. The innovative “team communication” solution offers Read More

The Infographic Creation Process - Step-By-Step [Infographic]

Avatar Posted by MattMansfield under Online Marketing
From 3447 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on February 20, 2015 2:27 pm
The "Infographic Creation Process" infographic is an start-to-finish decision tree that will help you figure out your path to infographic success. Read More

What the Box says about Your Product (and Business)

Avatar Posted by smpayton under Online Marketing
From 3612 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on September 11, 2014 11:22 am
How much attention do you put on the presentation of your product (including its packaging)? Maybe you should invest more in it. Read More

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