VinceGolangco voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I've come to find that there are three skills not taught in school, that have always made life easier for me. These skills have helped me stand out in positive ways and I think everyone should take the time to better themselves in these three little areas: Read More

5 marketing megatrends you can't ignore

5 marketing megatrends you can't ignore - Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Marketing
From 5292 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on November 5, 2009 7:59 pm
What's a megatrend, you ask? It's something big. I'm talking really big. Think of a giant unstoppable tsunami of change transforming society as we know it. Think global warming scale -- then apply it to mass human behavior. Think glaciers carving the grand canyon of consumer sentiment. So what are the new megatrends that Adam Kleinberg b Read More

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