Avgjoegeek voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It has been a great week here in Nigeria with the sun being very hot, you can't believe it, i nearly boiled yesterday. I don't know if its like this in other Read More
I want to share with you today an awesome infographic i saw last week at trafficgenerationcafe.com. I'm sure you will like it too. I don't really know how to Read More
Today on expert chat, our guest is Onibalusi Bamidele of Writersincharge.com. He is an expert when it comes to Writing and Guest Blogging and we will be having a chat on How To Write Better and Guest Blog with him.
Join me as we learn from Bamidele’s experience and Insight. Read More
After publishing a post „Social Network Sites – Which One is The Best for Traffic?” I got a lot of questions in comments and via emails about Triberr.

People don’t know how to use this great tool (is it really only a tool or maybe it’s a social network?).

I fully understand them because in th Read More
So you are finally finished writing your guest article and want it to be published on a blog in your niche, but the question is Which blog, there are a million top blogs which write on the same topic as you do You submit the post on any top blog; say the best blog in your niche Read More
Are you blogging for the first time? If you want to make money with your first blog, you have to understand the rules in blogging.First of all, blogging is about sharing, not making money. So, even though your goal is to make money, sharing is the first thing that you need to do. Read More
Blog post by Rita Auta of London web design agency Activate Media, showing how businesses can successfully use email to convert leads into sales Read More

How to Create an Infographic on a Budget

How to Create an Infographic on a Budget - http://www.axzm.com Avatar Posted by AXZM under Online Marketing
From http://www.axzm.com 4108 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on April 5, 2013 2:35 pm
Looking for information on how to create an infographic on a budget? Well, this is the blog for you. When done correctly, infographics are great for visualizing data and equally as useful in attracting backlinks and social media shares. Read More

How to Write a Fantastic Blog Post in 45 Minutes

How to Write a Fantastic Blog Post in 45 Minutes - http://sayblogger.com Avatar Posted by thejkamath under Online Marketing
From http://sayblogger.com 4108 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on April 4, 2013 4:56 pm
If I’m spending more than 45 minutes on an article, I get a little nervous. I know that every minute I spend on a post is a minute I don’t have for marketing, sharing, and basically just building an awesome business.

If all your time is spent writing, you might have a killer blog with fantastic Read More
Backlinks is one of the crucial SEO factors that determines how well a blog will rank in SERPs. The Importance and values of backlinks cannot be overemphasized especially if you are getting a link back from a dofollow blog.

Dofollow blogs list A Dofollow ensures that you get the maxim Read More

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