Katjakorsch voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Without a clear sense of purpose, it is easy to find yourself spinning your wheels and getting nowhere. Learn to identify the REAL reason why you are working from home, and see how this knowledge empowers you and gives you momentum! Read More
Forum marketing is arguably the easiest, yet most underrated method of driving high quality targeted traffic to your blog or website. Best of all, it's free traffic! Here's a quick video tutorial showing your how to get started using this powerful tool. Read More
No matter how driven or disciplined we are, we are only human and sometimes we lose our focus! Here's how I get my motivation back! Read More
Personal Branding: it starts with knowing who you are and then developing the 'Where you want to go'. Here are 5 tips to get you started. Read More
How to Grow Your Blog Audience By Building Relationships with Other Bloggers – The Ultimate Guide. You must be actively building real relationships with other bloggers and entrepreneurs – online and off. Read More

10 Awful Mistakes That Keep You Away From Success on Twitter

Avatar Posted by Ileane under Social Media
From http://basicblogtips.com 3651 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on September 26, 2014 3:24 pm
Recently I asked 50 respected bloggers for advice on Twitter Marketing, which made me recall some awfully stupid mistakes that I was making myself early in my blogging career. - This is a guest post from Tim Soulo of BloggerJet Read More
Newbies to online marketing typically and consistently make these 3 mistakes! I share with you what they are, and how to avoid them, during a relaxing stroll through the countryside. That is where I do my best thinking, and today I thought out loud so that I could share with you all! Read More
Avoid the pitfalls that most newbies fall into when first getting into online marketing! Most people over-complicate the whole process...the key is to keep it simple! Read More
A quick video lesson on how to create your own unique banner ad for social media marketing. If you want to stand out from the plain vanilla crowd using the same ol'-same ol' ads, you need to give them something they've never seen before! I'm here to show you how to do that! Read More
Learning good time management skills is essential when you are working alone from home! Here are some tips for helping you get back on track when you get derailed (because we all do!) and how to minimize how often that happens. Read More

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