Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Why the ITOA Approach Will Push IT Ahead

Avatar Posted by BigDataStartups under Strategy
From 3781 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on May 21, 2014 8:03 pm
IT Operations Analytics tools stand as powerful solutions for IT’s arsenal to help sift through heaps of big data to find patterns. Read More

How A Person Can Overcome Embarrassing Media Reports

Avatar Posted by stanpopovich under Management
From 3781 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on May 21, 2014 8:03 pm
Many business people in the public eye sometimes have to deal with embarrassing media reports which can cause a lot of problems.

As an author of a popular managing fear book, here are a few tips I use on dealing with these kinds of unfriendly media reports.
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Imagine if you had the ability to combine your site’s SEO data with Google Analytics Page Level Metrics, a lot of interesting opportunities would open up.

We decided to give this a shot by leveraging the newly released Dimension Widening Feature in Universal Analytics. Read More
The question that many webmasters have is how these tailored results affect things like overall searches. Do activities that have a direct affect on tailored result translate in some way to non-tailored results?

The answer is a simple “Yes.” It’s the reasons as to why that are a bit confusing. Read More
Forums are a great supplement to your digital marketing venues, whether buying ads or posting helpful information in them, you may be surprised how viable they are for small business content marketing. Read More

Bad reviews kill: How to manage your online reputation

Avatar Posted by trellis under Online Marketing
From 3782 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on May 16, 2014 8:48 pm
No matter who you are or what your industry is, your reputation matters. Here's what you need to do to build your reputation and your business in no time. Read More
A compilation of facts and figures about good old email marketing to help with your business, and top 10 email marketing stats marketers should know about. Read More
A compilation of facts and figures about good old email marketing to help with your business, and top 10 email marketing stats marketers should know about. Read More
Giving up on a product is not an easy thing to do. As the owner of your small business, you may carry more than just a monetary investment in your product line. Still, knowing when a product can be helped and when it is a lost cause is extremely important. Read More
In celebration of National Small Business Week, John Swanson lists 5 reasons why he prefers small businesses over large corporations. Read More

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